Most trendy cocktails these days tend to be whisky based and that's great but don't discount a well made simple screwdriver or any other vodka based drink for that matter. Since the drink is so simple, OJ + vodka = screwdriver, the quality of the ingredients is of upmost importance.
I prefer to squeeze my OJ fresh. Clementines make screwdriver, not only for their flavor but also their convenience. They're about the same size of a lime and fit into a hand squeezer. Some tangerines fit nicely as well. In this version I used some of both. You'll also want to strain the juice since pulp in a screwdriver isn't very desirable.
There seems to be a lot of disagreement as to how important the brand of vodka is and whether or not quality is noticeable. I've been in the camp that thinks that you need not spend a lot to find high quality tasting vodka. After all it is a neutral spirit. My opinion changed sharply though when I tasted Boyd and Blair Potato Vodka. The texture is silky and has almost a cream like mouthfeel and isn't prohibitively expensive ~$30 for 750ml.
My favorite screwdriver:
2 parts fresh OJ (clementines & tangerines)
1 part Boyd and Blair Potato Vodka
shake with ice. Serve up or on a rock.
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